
Hello, I'm
Matthew Romo (1660) from Group 2. The other embers of my group are Harry Kettenis (0390), Josh Stevenson (0796) and Ysabel Hudson-Searle (0331).

Hopefully navigation should not be an issue on my blog; 'labels' on the right hand side near the top will direct you to groups of posts from specific areas. Research and Planning, Production, and Evaluation work should all be available to see under their respective A2 labels. The other labels will direct you to work from my AS level and preliminary activities for A2.

Also, by clicking on the "Latymer Music Video Blog" link above the labels, you can go back to Latymer's main music video blog where all other blogs from my class can be accessed.

Finally, I hope you enjoy observing and assessing my work as much as I did creating it.

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Our Music Video

Saturday, 22 November 2014


Once we had a good idea of all the shots we wanted, we made a list of all the props we would need for our shoot, so we could identify who was to bring what, what we did not have, how much it would cost and where we could it. As is policy in the department, we obtained approval from our teachers before purchasing anything, and evidenced our purchases once this had been done so costs could be reimbursed.

We made all purchases in good time of when we would need them so that we could guarantee having everything and so that if there was a problem there would be enough time to rectify it.

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