This shoot day was used to retake our performance shots, acquiring a greater variety of angles, framing and bringing in some camera movement, since prior to this we did not have this. We also wanted to bring in more artist movement, because despite having good performance shots at the time we wanted to try and do more than solely lipsynching.
On this shoot day we had far more power to do this, since we were using a different tripod that had wheels attached - this gifted us the ability to achieve more different types of shot, having the freedom to experiment a little more.We were also using the higher quality Canon 5D camera, so the key performance shots that we were retaking had a far sharper resolution, making them more powerful and Yssy's emotions could show far stronger.

Camera movement using the advanced tripod and higher resolution

Subtitled Josh and I directing Yssy to use strong facial expressions
The first shots we took were the performance shots holding the roses, wearing the blue jacket. We really liked how the colours looked so striking the first time round, but on that occasion we shot it at the end of the shoot day where there was less time to really get the best out of it. While directing, I raised the idea of Yssy scornfully tossing a rose aside on the line 'chipping away at boulders' and it seemed to fit particularly well, so much so that it ended up in the final video.
Despite only having the studio for half a day as group 1 used it for the second half, after lunchtime, we shot some highly successful lipsynch performances. We did not aim to get a huge quantity of footage but we did well with what we did shoot; Yssy acted very effectively in conveying emotion so overall it was a successful day of filming.
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